Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve!

Twas the night before Christmas...

We started our day be celebrating with our wonderful neighbors, Richard and Janice Hagan.  They are the greatest neighbors and friends. 

Arianna and Joseph, Richard and Janice's kids, got the girls webkinz, always a hit with my girls!

 Janice got the girls aprons, which they will put to good use this evening for their annual tradition of making cookies with their dad.

Janice has a fuzzy scarf, and Alex has insisted that she get one just like Janice's!

 Alex also (very appropriately) got "coal!"

And of course, the ever popular "pillow pet!"  Now Alex can retire her homemade pillow pet that Sam made her!

Notice how I stand inside and take pictures of my children shoveling snow!

We decided to build a gingerbread house this year...

It actually wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.

Drumroll, please....


  1. what a cute house. you guys did a great job. yes we just love you guys. thanks for letting us be a part of your lives and sharing your girls with us. Janice & Buck

  2. Awesome gingerbread house, girls! I know you both worked just as hard as dad did on it!:} Get to bed early tonight so you can get up early Christmas morning! But don't think you're going back to bed cuz me & gr'pa are coming before noon!:D We love you!
