Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Blizzard 2011!

I was just telling my kids how we never get a lot of snow anymore.  I was telling them how when I was a kid (I know... I sound like my mother) we used to get snow up to my knees.  Well, they finally got to see it!  We got hammered with 18.5 inches of snow last night!  

 BJ helped the girls build a snow fort out of one of the snow drifts in our yard.

Our poor little pony was up to his belly in snow!  We couldn't find their bowls so they had to eat their grain off of 2 feet of snow!

This is the water spigot that we use to water the horses.  It usually sticks up 2 feet from the ground and today we had to dig it out to water!

With 40 mile an hour winds, the garage was no match for the blizzard!

View of the front of our house... keep in mind that it sits up about 3 feet off of the ground!

The foundation in the back of the house is barely even visible!

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