Sunday, December 26, 2010

Sledding... Again!

We have to make at least 1 trip each out to South Lake for some sledding, well, BJ and the kids go sledding... I just stay in the car with the heat cranked snapping photos!

Some of our friends showed up and Alex had a playmate to go sledding with.

Christmas 2010

Well, despite the fact that I was sick all day Christmas, I did manage to snap a few pics.  Christmas was really different this year.  This was Alex's first year not believing in Santa.  Also, my girls are notorious for waking me up at 3 a.m. to open presents... they slept in 'till 8:30 this year!  I am not complaining though, I was so sick that I really didn't want to get up at all!

They both got a new pair of cowboy boots, which I have to return because they run way bigger than most.

This is Sam and BJ shakin' it to the new Wii game, Just Dance 2!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve Traditions

Each year I let the girls open 1 gift on Christmas Eve.  I said that this year I wasn't going to because they got so much today from the Hagans.  Is it wrong that I bribed them with a gift to clean my kitchen after the cookie fiasco?  Yes, I said fiasco.  The annual tradition of baking cookies with dad turned into making dog treats with dad.  Next year I suggest they stick to the chocolate chip recipe on the bag!

They each got a new robe.  Sam got some pillows and slippers too, because we like her better... just kidding, Alex is getting a more expensive gift tomorrow so Sam has a few more items.

Christmas Eve!

Twas the night before Christmas...

We started our day be celebrating with our wonderful neighbors, Richard and Janice Hagan.  They are the greatest neighbors and friends. 

Arianna and Joseph, Richard and Janice's kids, got the girls webkinz, always a hit with my girls!

 Janice got the girls aprons, which they will put to good use this evening for their annual tradition of making cookies with their dad.

Janice has a fuzzy scarf, and Alex has insisted that she get one just like Janice's!

 Alex also (very appropriately) got "coal!"

And of course, the ever popular "pillow pet!"  Now Alex can retire her homemade pillow pet that Sam made her!

Notice how I stand inside and take pictures of my children shoveling snow!

We decided to build a gingerbread house this year...

It actually wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.

Drumroll, please....

Thursday, December 23, 2010

"Donuts with Dad"

On Alex's last day of school, they had "Donuts with Dad."  The kids take their dads to school and the school provides a donut breakfast.  BJ took time off of work so he could go with Alex.

Don't the girls look festive on their last day of school?

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas Program

Tonight the girls had their Christmas program at school.  Alex's group sang and Alex had a speaking part.  Sam's group played their instruments.  They both did a great job!

Monday, December 13, 2010

MAP Achievement Ceremony


Tonight was the annual MAP (Missouri Achievement Program) Testing Awards Ceremony.  Kids that score advanced get awards.  They test in 3 categories, Math, Communication Arts, and Science.  Sam scored a trophy in EACH category!  We are very proud of her!  Clara also earned an award in 2 categories!  Clara got 2 medals that she can put on her letterman jacket.

 There was only Sam, and 2 other students out of the entire 6th grade to get a trophy in all 3 categories!

Make room on your letterman jacket, Clara.  These medals will be waiting for you when you come home in April!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The first snowfall!

This Saturday was the first snowfall of the season.  I had my family Christmas party at our house.  I have a much smaller family than BJ, so it isn't too difficult to have everyone there.  BJ's family has to rent a banquet hall to accommodate everyone!

The snow actually stuck, so BJ and the kids spent Sunday afternoon playing outside... I stayed inside where it's warm with my camera!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Sam's first baby experience

Our friends just had a baby and Sam absolutely loves her!  We went to their house yesterday to do some pictures of their "new addition."  After her photo shoot, Sam decided to try to get her dressed... It was hilarious!  She was so scared of hurting the baby that she would barely even move her and she had a heck of a hard time figuring out how to get the shirt over the baby's head without causing, in her opinion, a serious head injury!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Piano Lessons!

The girls are starting piano lessons this Wednesday.  We got them a Korg digital piano to practice on at home.  BJ decided that he also wants to learn to play so for his "early" Christmas gift, I got him a learning DVD set and he is already playing pretty well!  

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Nerd Day at School!

This week is "Red Ribbon Week" at the girl's school.  In honor of staying drug free, they are supposed to dress in a certain "theme" each day such as pajama day, hat day etc...  Tomorrow is "Nerd Day" at Sam's school.  I think she is going to fit the part!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The new hasn't worn off yet!

The girls set an alarm for 8 a.m.  this morning just so they could get up and have a long day ahead of them of golf cart riding!  The cold isn't stopping them!  When BJ snuck out to snap a pic of them, they informed him that he was the paparazzi in their little game!  Hmmm... maybe I can sell some autographs on ebay!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Christmas in October!

Merry Christmas!

Well... Christmas came a little early in the Jacobson house this year.  The girls really wanted a golf cart for Christmas and we found a really good deal on one.  Since neither of them believe in Santa any more and it was going to be a real trick to keep it hidden, we decided to go ahead and let them enjoy our last nice days with it.

They woke up this morning and I told them to go look out the window and see what their Dad was doing, just as he came flying out of the garage on it!  They were both so excited!  I have never seen them get dressed and get outside so fast!

 This is me, giving them an example of what is "too fast!"

Alex can barely see over the wheel, but does a pretty good job driving!

I'ts been a while!

I know... it has been a while since I blogged last.  I was so good about keeping the blog updated when Clara was here so her parents could keep up with her life with us, but since she has went back home, I have really been slacking!  

Last night we took the kids out to Indian Creek Campground for some Trick-or-Treating.  Every year they have over 200 campers that go all out decorating for Halloween and handing out candy.  They have a haunted path through the woods and the decorations are amazing.  The kids really have a great time!

Pretty scary, huh?

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Mule Festival!

Today we went to the Clark County Mule Festival in Kahoka, Missouri.  I never knew so many people had mules... the place was packed!  They have events that you can compete in while riding your mule.  They have tons of vendors, trail rides, and a rodeo.  BJ found a mule that he really liked but they guy wanted $5000 for it, needless to say... we did NOT come home with a new mule!  You will have to excuse the quality of the pictures, I didn't take my camera with me so they pics were taken with my iphone.

How redneck is this entrance to the event?  It's a good thing we took the 4 wheel drive!

I have never seen so many mules in one place!

In this event, the contestants had to carry an egg in a spoon while riding in the arena.  They even had to trot without dropping the egg!

This was my favorite event, Mule Jumping!  The mule jumping right now was really good and took second place.  They highest jump was 52" from a stand-still!

I think this was the highlight of the day for the girls... getting to ride the hay wagon back to the car!  BTW:  I hate, hate, hate the hat BJ is wearing and if anyone wants to steal and destroy it, there is a hefty monetary incentive in it for you!