Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Yard Work

I have been so busy with work and the kids starting school that I have not had any time to update the blog. BJ has been home for 4 days because his truck is in the shop so we have been doing a lot of work around the house and property.  We spent 2 days running fence for the horses and setting new poles.  BJ leveled the huge mound of dirt that was left in our backyard after the construction of the garage and moved gravel to the parking area.  It is amazing how much bigger the yard looks now!  The girls both seem to like school really well.  I haven't managed to get the time to take them out and do some school pics yet, but I hope to accomplish this task this weekend.  Real Estate is really busy right now.  I have 4 contracts pending right now on top of managing all of my listings and trying to get my continuing education credits in before the end of September.  

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Back to school...

I can't believe that summer has come to an end.  I guess with having moved this summer time really got away from us and it doesn't seem like summer was very long.  We did manage to take the kids to "Fun City" last weekend.  It is a huge indoor/outdoor water park in Iowa.  I didn't get any pics to post because I didn't take my camera for fear that it would get wet or stolen.  I am hoping, now that the house is in order and the garage completed, we can get some trail riding in before winter hits.  My poor horses have had minimal attention all summer!  Getting back into the school routine without Clara was a little strange... and even though she was always the last one out the door, we still managed to be late today!  Miss ya Clara!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

I'm officially old!

I admit defeat... I broke down and bought a mini van!  We are heading to Fun City Sunday and planning a vacation after the first of the year and the kids and BJ absolutely hated traveling in my car, so I decided to buy a mini van.  The van is a 2003 Ford Windstar with 60,000 miles on it but it is in immaculate condition, not so much as a spot on the carpet!  With my kids and horses... that won't last long!  A Ford was not my first choice, but BJ absolutely refuses to let me drive any GM products because "they took money in the bailout!"  So, I guess I have to put his principals before my preference since he makes the payments!