Thursday, August 5, 2010

I'm officially old!

I admit defeat... I broke down and bought a mini van!  We are heading to Fun City Sunday and planning a vacation after the first of the year and the kids and BJ absolutely hated traveling in my car, so I decided to buy a mini van.  The van is a 2003 Ford Windstar with 60,000 miles on it but it is in immaculate condition, not so much as a spot on the carpet!  With my kids and horses... that won't last long!  A Ford was not my first choice, but BJ absolutely refuses to let me drive any GM products because "they took money in the bailout!"  So, I guess I have to put his principals before my preference since he makes the payments!

1 comment:

  1. its a cool car!!
    and some cool kids in it;)
