Saturday, September 18, 2010

Mule Festival!

Today we went to the Clark County Mule Festival in Kahoka, Missouri.  I never knew so many people had mules... the place was packed!  They have events that you can compete in while riding your mule.  They have tons of vendors, trail rides, and a rodeo.  BJ found a mule that he really liked but they guy wanted $5000 for it, needless to say... we did NOT come home with a new mule!  You will have to excuse the quality of the pictures, I didn't take my camera with me so they pics were taken with my iphone.

How redneck is this entrance to the event?  It's a good thing we took the 4 wheel drive!

I have never seen so many mules in one place!

In this event, the contestants had to carry an egg in a spoon while riding in the arena.  They even had to trot without dropping the egg!

This was my favorite event, Mule Jumping!  The mule jumping right now was really good and took second place.  They highest jump was 52" from a stand-still!

I think this was the highlight of the day for the girls... getting to ride the hay wagon back to the car!  BTW:  I hate, hate, hate the hat BJ is wearing and if anyone wants to steal and destroy it, there is a hefty monetary incentive in it for you!

Monday, September 6, 2010

School pics.

Ever since I got my camera, I just don't see the point in buying the awful school pictures that the school takes, so I always do my own and have them ordered for the girls.  Alex is not a fan of having pictures taken so we got an acceptable shot the first time around (only because she was not even going to consider re-doing them!)  Sam, on the other hand, took 3 photo shoots to finally get one that she liked!  I am probably the only parent that Photoshops their kids school pictures!  Sam had tons of mosquito bites on her legs that had to go and Alex had a sore on her nose.  Oh well, it's done for the year and I got them ordered tonight!  Drumroll...

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Family night!

Last night I had my niece, Nicole, my nephew, Josh, and my nephew, Dana, spend the night with us.  It is a rare occasion that all 3 get together because of their hectic schedules.  We had a really good time.  The older two, and I visited the local winery that just opened up in town.  It was quite comical because Nicole and I didn't like most of the wine that they poured for us to try and we both handed most of it off to Josh, so I think he had a pretty good wine buzz by the time we left!  I also tortured them with family pictures while they were here!

This is my youngest nephew, dana.   He is 16 years old, and did not appreciate me forcing him to do a photo shoot!  He would have much rather stayed home and watched football!

This is Josh.  He is 21 years old.  Josh was pretty cooperative about the pics.  He was happy with the way they turned out and was glad to get some pics of him and his siblings.  Josh has always been my buddy!  He used to stay with me a lot when he was younger and we always have a great time when we are together!

This is Nicole.  She is 24 years old.  Nicole is much too sweet to tell me I was making her miserable, but was obviously not loving the photo op!  

Finally!!!  It's about time I got Alex to let me take her pics for the new school year!  I have been trying to get them since I did Sam's back in the end of July!  

Isn't she beautiful?  And doesn't she look so innocent... don't let her fool you!

Sam got new glasses last week so she decided to wear them in the photos.  Her dad couldn't believe how old she looks in this pic!  They are both growing up so fast!

Some group shots...

I am usually the one behind the camera, but Josh played photographer for me so I could get a shot with me and my girls!  I have to say, he did an excellent job posing us!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Like mother, like daughter!

Well, unfortunately, it looks as if I have passed my horrible eyesight on to my daughter.  Samantha is a bit nervous about going to school this morning in anticipation of wearing her new glasses!  She made it 1 year later than I did, I had to get glasses in the fifth grade.  Why couldn't she have gotten BJ's eyesight?  Even as  terribly old as he is, (ha ha!) he still has perfect eyesight!