Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Our Day

Today we went to St. Louis to pick up a car that I bought. My Navigator was getting older and had a lot of miles on it so I thought that with all of the traveling we will be doing with Clara here it was time to get a newer car. After another long day in the car, the girls came home and curled up on the couch under a blanket and watched a little T.V. The forecast is calling for snow tomorrow and low temperatures of -2 degrees farenheit, which is about -18 degrees celsius... THAT'S COLD!!!
This is the new car.

I wonder how long it will be before they are sick and tired of having their pictures taken!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Our first day with Clara

We had a really nice day with our new family member! All 3 girls slept in late, they were all exhausted! We had a late breakfast and went to feed the horses. After lunch we went to Quincy to go through the Avenue of Lights. It is a huge Christmas lights display that you drive through. Then we headed to Buffalo Wild Wings for supper then to Wal-Mart for a few necessities. After we got back home the girls played the Nintendo Wii.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Clara Arrives!

Today was the big day... we got to pick up Clara from the airport! The girls were both very excited and nervous! They made a sign with Clara's name on it so she could easily find us as she exited the airplane. Clara brought such wonderful gifts from Germany for everyone, the girls are very excited to take the things to school and show them to everyone! She brought chocolate and YES... German chocolate really IS better than American made!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Alex is so photogenic!

Here is a pic of the girls with their Grandpa on Christmas Day... Alex looks excited!!!


Finally... enough snow to go sledding! The kids had a blast! Alex was very proud that this year she could go down the hill all by herself! I'm just glad that no one broke any bones!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Morning

The girls woke up at 4 a.m. but luckily Sam talked Alex into going back to sleep... it didn't last long! She was back up at 5 a.m. and was ready to open gifts and was not taking no for an answer! Sam got a laptop, digital camera, cell phone, digital camcorder, bike and lots of little odds and ends. Alex got a Nintendo DS with 5 games, T.V., bike, a zhu zhu pet (which, in case you don't know, is that one CRAZY popular toy of the year that is nearly impossible to get and "Santa" had one heck of a time getting his hands on one!) and lots of other toys. They were both very happy with the turnout, in fact Alex said this was "The best christmas ever!"
It's very depressing that Sam is big enough to have gotten a bike big enough for me to ride... my baby is growing up FAST!
Yes, this is how these two spent the morning...with their noses buried in their computers!

This is Alex playing her DS, she hasn't put it down all morning!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

We ordered pizza and watched "How the Grinch Stole Christmas." Every year we watch the grinch, the kids love it... ok, so do I! Finally... after hours of begging, they finally got to open their Christmas Eve gift from BJ and me. Each girl got a snuggie and pair of slippers. Since we bought our new computer, each time we use our cordless phone it knocks out the internet signal so BJ and the girls bought me a new cordless phone for christmas. Now... off to look at christmas lights!

Cookies for Santa

BJ and the girls spent their Christmas Eve afternoon baking cookies for "Santa." This is an annual tradition for them. BJ always seems to know exactly what flavor cookies Santa wants each year! The girls really enjoy it, they play christmas music, drink hot chocolate, and of course because Dad is in charge, they are allowed to make as BIG of a mess as they want!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

School Christmas Parties

Today the girls had their classroom christmas parties. Sadly, this is the first year that I did not attend Sam's party. This year she is in Middle School and they don't have a classroom party and gift exchange, (they're too big for that apparently) so they take snacks and hang out in the gym with their friends. They were also allowed to take electronics with them so Sam took her ipod touch with her.

Alex's class opted not to have a gift exchange due to the failing economy and recent shutdown of a local factory that took a lot of local jobs. I took in treats for her to pass out. I also bought a little gift for each kid in her class and played a game with them. It just wouldn't be a Christmas party if the kids didn't get a gift to open!
The kids passed gifts around to Christmas music and when the music stopped, whoever held the gift got to unwrap it and keep it.

Alex was thrilled because she got a webkinz!
Her teacher got each child a book and pencil... I guess we will be reading "Reindeer DO Wear Striped Underwear" tonight!

Monday, December 21, 2009

BJ's Family Christmas Party

Yesterday we attended BJ's family christmas party. His family is so large that they have to rent a hall to hold the party in. We ate lunch, exchanged gifts, and just caught up with relatives that we don't get to see often. The girls had a good time playing with their NUMEROUS cousins! Sam and Alex each got a webkinz, I got dishes and BJ got ratchet straps.

This is Grandma White (BJ's Grandma) and Kathy (BJ's Mom) opening their "joint" gift from Sam and Alex. They are both very crafty and are always working on some type of project so we got them a router and table. As you can tell, the girls decorated the box!
This is Grandma White passing out her "annual meat tray." Each year she makes these wonderful trays for each one of her grandchildren, and trust me... she has a lot! Thanks Grandma... we love them and appreciate all of your trouble!
The kids anxiously await the passing out of the gifts!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Mom's Christmas Party

Today after I picked the girls up from school we headed to out of town to go to my mom's christmas party. Unfortunately, BJ couldn't be there because he had to work... I guess that's the life of a trucker. :( We all had a really nice time, we had supper and opened gifts. I got to hang out with my niece and 2 nephews who I don't get to see that often, my niece's girlfriend, Justine, who is super cool, my mom, my uncle and of course my daughters! Only 2 more christmas parties to go!

My nephew just turned 21 last month so I blessed him with a bottle of SoCo!

This was not actually his gift, it was my uncles, he is just wishing... 6 more years, Dana!
Both girls were absolutely thrilled that they received lockets! We came home and printed out some pics to fill them.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Church Christmas Program

This evening I attended Sam and Alex's church christmas program. They decorated cookies, made a craft, sang and played the bells. As usual, Alex looks oh so thrilled to be on stage, and she says she wants to be a singer... HA!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

MAP Achievement Ceremony

Last night we attended a ceremony at the school to honor students who scored above average on their MAP test, which is the "Missouri Assessment Program." Samantha earned 2 trophies, one for her high achievement in Math and the other for her achievement in Communication Arts. At her grade level these are the only 2 categories possible to earn a trophy in, so we are very proud of her!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Maude's Test Drive

The weather finally warmed up enough to step foot outside for more than 30 seconds, so BJ decided to saddle Maude up and see if training was money well spent. I told him that he had to ride her first and if she didn't kill him I would ride her! At first she acted up a little, she spun in a circle when he tried to mount her and wouldn't let him on. After it was apparent that that was a battle that she was going to lose, she caved. After that, she rode like a perfect lady! It's amazing, before we sent her off she would try to bite when you got on her back and she would run and buck with you, now she just moseys along and stops on a dime! I guess that's what a month with the Amish will do! Hmmm... I wonder what they would charge to take the kids for 30 days and whip them into shape! :)

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Alex Visits Santa

Today we took Alex to see Santa and give him her Christmas list. He had Dasher with him and Alex was pretty happy that she got to pet him, however she did say that she wished that Santa would have brought Rudolph because he is "the most famous reindeer of all!"