Thursday, December 3, 2009


Well, the Thanksgiving festivities are officially over. BJ had to work on Thanksgiving day so the girls and I went to the VFW hall and bought our Thanksgiving dinner! Later that evening we headed to my mom’s house to spend the night so I could get up early and hit the Black Friday sales. After the dog keeping me awake up all night because she apparently cannot sleep in a different place, Sam and I got up at 5 a.m. and headed to Wal-Mart. Apparently 5 a.m. is not even close to early enough to get a bargain! We fought the insane crowd in Wal-Mart only to leave empty handed! Luckily BJ had spent the night in a Wal-Mart parking lot and went shopping at 4 a.m. and got all of the doorbusters that we wanted to finish out our shopping for the year! Thank goodness for dad!

Today I hosted Thanksgiving dinner at my house for my side of the family. This is the first year that my side of the family has gotten together and I really enjoyed it! My mom and step-father were here and his mother came along. My uncle, and my niece, and both nephews came, and of course my husband and daughters. This was no small feat considering everyone lives in different towns and the two men are truckers! Now I’m ready for Christmas! Hopefully I can talk my husband into putting the tree up tomorrow!

BACK ROW: Dana (nephew) Nicole (niece) and Josh (nephew... aka: "the dude with the weird hair as Alex refers to him!")
FRONT ROW" Sam and Alex

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