Sunday, February 7, 2010

Superbowl Sunday

Well, after yesterday's unsuccessful attempt at building a snowman BJ and the girls decided to give it another try.  Notice how BJ is always the one who has to get out in the cold and put all of the work into these little endeavors and I stand inside sipping coffee and taking pictures!  The Super Bowl is this evening, we were invited to a Superbowl Party but since it at a friend's house in Quincy, and we really don't feel like making that drive again today,  I think we will stay home and order pizza and watch the game on our own couch.  Clara is going to a friend's house for a Super Bowl Party.  Now to make my husband furious... GO SAINTS!!!  By the way, Clara got a dress yesterday for Prom but I won't post pictures yet... you'll have to wait until Prom Night!  But I will say, she looks very beautiful in it!
Notice Clara being a "typical American teenager" she has learned to multi-task... A.K.A. text while doing just about anything else!

The finished product!  Of course they had to add a "red neck" flair with the cowboy hat!

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