Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Alex's first softball practice

This evening was Alex's first softball practice of this year.  We were pretty excited because Alex got the same coaches that Sam had last year and they are absolutely awesome!  Alex had a lot of fun at practice.  She batted well and threw pretty good, she just needs to learn to step into her throws.  Soon Sam will start softball also and she is traveling this year so our  summer will very busy!

A big day for Monroe City!

President Obama has been traveling the midwest.  He flew into Quincy, IL and visited an ethanol plant that BJ hauls out of daily.  On his way to the ethanol plant at about 11 a.m. this morning, the President decided to make an unexpected stop in Monroe City to have lunch at a local diner, Peggy Sue's Cafe.  I was in my company meeting at my office near the cafe so I had a front row seat for the event.

After ordering lunch and visiting with customers in the cafe, the President came out to shake hands with some of the locals and walked across the street to talk to employees at one of our insurance companies.

Ok, Chrissy... don't kill me for posting this picture of you!  The lady in the orange shirt is the hairdresser that did Clara's hair and make-up for Prom.  She got the opportunity to shake hands with the President.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


This is a picture of Clara and Chanson (her escort) at Promenade.  Each couple walks down the runway while they are being formally introduced, then they pause under the archway for pictures before going to the High School Gym for the dance.  They had to drive each couple over to the High School in a golf cart because it was pouring down rain!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Prom Day!

Today is Prom day!!!  Clara had an appointment at 10 a.m. to have her hair and make-up done.  I had to go into the office this morning to prepare contracts for a house that I will be listing this afternoon so Alex accompanied me to my office while Clara was at the hair salon.  After I left the office, I went to the hair salon to check on Clara's progress.  After 2 hours at the salon, we came home and Clara finished getting ready for her fun-filled day.  First, Clara and her friends are going to have pictures taken.  Then they are going to a friends house where some of the parents have prepared a steak and seafood dinner for them.  After lunch, they are going to go to church.  This evening we will go to the school and attend the "Promenade."  This is where the family watches as the couples are all formally introduced before going to the dance.
Isn't she cute!!!

This is Clara getting beautiful! I don't think she realized how much work it is to get ready for Prom!

This is Chanson giving Clara her corsage.

Don't they look so cute!  I let them take my Lincoln Town Car to prom since Chanson is a country boy and drives an old pick-up truck!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Trip to St. Louis

Sunday morning we headed to St. Louis.  We left around 8 a.m. We stopped in Wentzville at a HUGE Flea Market for some bargain hunting.  I got myself and Alex a set of golf clubs and bags for only $5 each!  After shopping, we drove to downtown St. Louis and went to the Arch.  The tram ride to the top is 4 minutes long in a tiny little car that resembles some type of space shuttle.  You definitely cannot be claustrophobic for this ride!  After the Arch, we headed to the hotel for some swimming and supper.  The hotel was absolutely beautiful and had a wonderful supper buffet and breakfast buffet!  After supper, we walked to the Cardinals game.  Our hotel was only a few blocks from the stadium!  The girls all had a great time at the game!  They screamed so much that I was sure they would all have no voice left by today... unfortunately I was wrong!  The Cardinals won the game and we even scored 2 home runs!  The next morning, I drug everyone out of bed at 7 a.m.  After we ate breakfast, we headed out to spend the day at the zoo.  We all had a wonderful time, but I am glad to be home!

This is the tram that takes you to and from the top of the Arch.

This is a view of the Cardinal's Stadium from the top of the Arch.

This is a view of our hotel, The Drury Plaza Hotel, from the Arch.

This is a view of the Mississippi from the Arch.

This is Clara looking out the windows at the top of the Arch.

Sam was surprisingly more scared of the Arch experience than Alex was.

I thought this was really cool, it's a picture from the top of the Arch of it's shadow.

This is the position BJ immediately assumed when we arrived at the hotel.

The kids immediately went to the pool!

I spent my time in the hot tub!

We had a really pretty view of the Arch from the hotel.  It was right at sunset and the arch was so shiny and beautiful.

We had an amazing 2 room suite.  Sam and Clara slept on the pull out couch and Alex was thrilled to have her own bed!

The girls took full advantage of the free popcorn and soda in the hotel lobby!


This is the view from the cheap seats!

This is a guy that sat in front of us.  Notice his shoulder... Clara cracked open her peanut and the shell went flying and landed on his shoulder!  We laughed so hard!  I just had to post a picture!  He never did notice the peanut shell on his shoulder!

How many monkeys can you see in this picture... I see 3, counting Sam of course!

I think Alex is trying to strike a pose here... keep working on it, Alex!

She may not be great at posing for a picture, but she makes a mean bear!

Sam... the snake charmer!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

First Riding Day of the Year!

Today was the first day of this year that the girls got to get out and ride.  Alex got some riding lessons from "Dad" and actually got to ride the pony a little bit by herself.  She really had a good time and did very well!  Sam was upset because the field was too rough to run the horse... she gets bored pretty fast with walking if she's not out on a trail!
This is BJ teaching Alex how to guide the horse using the reins.

She did really well getting him to stop but had some trouble turning him.

She looks like she is enjoying herself!

Sam is a pretty good rider but needs to become more assertive, we will be working on that this summer!

Sam has decided to give the pony to Alex and keep "Pedro," the donkey, for herself.  He isn't broke yet, but we have been working with him and he is doing pretty good.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Spring Pictures

This evening I took the girls out and took some spring pictures of them.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Morning

Yesterday Alex informed me that she knows that the Easter Bunny isn't real, that she "isn't sure" about the Tooth Fairy, and Santa is "just a fat dude with a beard held on by rubber bands."  When the girls got up, they searched for their baskets that BJ had hid for them, then each girl had hid gifts for BJ and I.  A very special thank you to Marion and Stephen for the gifts, we really appreciate them!
This is the basket the 'non-existant" Easter Bunny got for Alex.
Alex found her basket pretty fast so BJ felt bad for Sam and gave her a hint so she could find hers.
Clara got some track pins for a letterman jacket.
Alex got a very cute pencil and pencil sharpener from the VomScheidt's.
The VomScheidt's got Sam a game and some balls for juggling... Clara will have to teach her to juggle!
Here is Clara demonstrating her juggling ability!