Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Morning

Yesterday Alex informed me that she knows that the Easter Bunny isn't real, that she "isn't sure" about the Tooth Fairy, and Santa is "just a fat dude with a beard held on by rubber bands."  When the girls got up, they searched for their baskets that BJ had hid for them, then each girl had hid gifts for BJ and I.  A very special thank you to Marion and Stephen for the gifts, we really appreciate them!
This is the basket the 'non-existant" Easter Bunny got for Alex.
Alex found her basket pretty fast so BJ felt bad for Sam and gave her a hint so she could find hers.
Clara got some track pins for a letterman jacket.
Alex got a very cute pencil and pencil sharpener from the VomScheidt's.
The VomScheidt's got Sam a game and some balls for juggling... Clara will have to teach her to juggle!
Here is Clara demonstrating her juggling ability!

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