Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day fishing

Today we took the girls fishing at the lake just outside of town.  Alex had a good time and even caught 1 fish, a bass.  Sam didn't have any luck so she got bored and was ready to leave!  

 This is me with 1 of the 3 fish that I caught!

This is Alex with her fish, a baby bass.  She wouldn't touch it, so Dad had to hold it for the picture!  She caught the biggest fish of the day!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Clara's return to Germany

Well, we got up bright and early and were out of the house by 7:15 this morning to take Clara to the airport.  We found the gate where she had to check in and grabbed her luggage to carry it in and between carrying luggage and keeping track of the kids, I failed to grab my camera.  We got Clara all checked in and walked her as far back as we could before she had to go through security and we said our goodbyes.  It is so strange to think that we may never see her again.  She had really become part of the family.  The girls did very well at the airport but both cried for a while after we got back to the car.  Alex has mentioned about 3 times since, that she misses Clara.  When we got home, we immediately went down to check on the horses and Alex said that she wishes Clara would walk down from the house.  I think Alex got especially close to her and will have a hard time accepting that she is gone.  I think it was a good experience for the girls but I feel really bad that Alex is hurting over Clara leaving. 

After we left the airport, we took the girls to the science center and out to eat to celebrate Sam making the "A Honor Roll" all year.  They had a good time with all of the hands on experiments and Sam was rewarded for her good grades with a 100 dollar bill.

We attempted to build a replica of the St. Louis arch but were unsuccessful!

The girls built a skyscraper.

I think it is pretty safe to say that neither Sam nor Alex has a future as a heavy machine operator!

We are very proud of Sam for all of her hard work in school!  Clara also got all A's all year!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Clara's last day...

Well, today is Clara's last day with us and it looks like she is going to have a very busy last day!  She got up bright and early and went horseback riding with one of her friends.  This evening she has plans to go out to eat with all of her friends, then to a ballgame, then to a bonfire to say her goodbyes to all of her friends.  I think she will we worn out enough to sleep on her flight!  We have to leave by 7:30 a.m. in order for her to be in St. Louis in time for her flight.  It has definitely been an experience that we will never forget and I know the girls are really going to miss having her around!


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Spring Pictures!

Since it is nearing the end of Clara's time with us, we wanted to take some pictures for her to have.  It was also a great opportunity to take some spring pics of the girls!

Happy Birthday Alex!

Today my baby turned 7 years old... how depressing!  We took her to Wal-Mart so she could pick something out, she chose a new Nintendo DS game.  Then we came home and had cake and ice cream.  She is going to have some friends over for pizza and a movie next week.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Finally... some summer fun!

We have been so busy working on the new house and the kids have been so good about spending hours on end there, bored to death.  Today was finally warm enough to play in the water and Alex got a new slip and slide that she has been itching to use, so FINALLY... SOME SUMMER FUN!


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Awards Ceremony

Today I attended the Middle School awards ceremony.  Sam got an award for achieving A Honor Roll all year!  I am so proud of her!  Only Sam and one other student from her grade got this award and only 1 student out of sixth grade, so it is a huge accomplishment!  Congratulations Sam, you always make us so proud!


It has finally come... THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!  It is hard to believe that Sam is going to be in 6th grade and Alex in 2nd.  The time passes so fast and it makes me more than a little bit sad.  I hate the thought of them growing up.  However, I DO LOVE SUMMER!  No more getting up early, no more constantly barking orders at them just so we can get out the door on time in the mornings, no more early bedtimes, no more laying out school clothes and no more HOMEWORK!  I think I may be happier about summer vacation than the kids are!  I plan on only doing about 8 hours a week in office time in an attempt to spend more time with the kids this summer.  However, Real Estate is very demanding in and out of the office so we will see how much free time I actually get!

I finally finished cleaning the new house last night... so glad that is over with!  Now we are just waiting on contractors to come to get a garage built and get some in-home repairs done and walls painted.  Then we can get the carpets cleaned and move in.  

Of coarse, in typical morning fashion, Clara was still in the bathroom when we walked out the door to leave!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I just thought I would post a little update as to what we have been up to the last few days.  Clara had a sports banquet last night.  It was a carry in dinner and she made green bean casserole and brownies to take.  She got 2 trophies for track and a letter for her letterman jacket.  She has another awards banquet tomorrow night for Art.  She will also be receiving an award there.  We have begun packing up some of her things to ship back to Germany since it is so expensive to take extra luggage on the plane.  Clara will be leaving immediately after the Art banquet tomorrow night to go to St. Louis.  She has a meeting with her exchange program director and will also be going to Six Flags!  

Sam has been sick for about a week now so we took her to the Dr. yesterday.  He put her on tons of medicine that doesn't seem to be helping.  She has a terrible cough that is constant and she just can't get any rest.  He even gave her cough syrup with codeine but it isn't even helping!  I hope she feels better soon, it's not like her to be sick.  

As for me, I have been very busy with work and trying to get the deal closed on the house that we just bought.  It looks like we are going to close on it either Friday or Monday.  Hopefully Friday so I can get started cleaning it this weekend!  We have contractors coming the end of the month to build a garage.  So, not only have I been dealing with all of the headaches that come along with getting a deal lined up to buy a house, I am also the selling agent so I have all of that paperwork as well, plus being a general contractor to have the garage built!  I also have 2 open houses this month for a couple of my listings...  NEVER A DULL MOMENT!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

I had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend!  Saturday night we went to the movies with our friends, the Olivases to take the kids to see "Diary of a Whimpy Kid."  It was a really cute family movie and everyone had a good time. Sunday morning, BJ got all 3 of the girls up early and made me my annual "Mother's Day breakfast in bed."  I had pancakes, bacon, eggs, toast and Amish cinnamon rolls.  Sam and Alex each got me a flower that we planted together and Clara got me this beautiful bouquet.  Thanks Girls! (and BJ)

Friday, May 7, 2010

My newest project!

BJ and I decided that we were tired of throwing our money away renting, so last week we submitted an offer on a foreclosure and the offer was accepted.  We should close on the house mid-May.  Being a foreclosure, we got it for a steal, but of course it needs work so we plan on getting busy on it right away and moving in the end of June.

It is a 1999 manufactured home.  It has over 1800 square feet of living space with huge walk-in closets and a separate family room, so it will be a welcomed change from the tiny house that we have been renting!  It definately needs some landscaping!

This is the back.  We plan on building on a large deck and we are having a garage built right away so BJ has a place to store all of his toys!

It has a nice big kitchen with a center island and lots of cabinets!

This is the family room, I really love the woodburning fireplace!

This is the master bedroom.  It has his and hers closets, which is going to be very nice! 

This is the master bath.  It has separate whirlpool bath and oversized stand-up shower.  This wallpaper has to go ASAP!

I will be painting each room right away but am not certain of colors, so e-mail me your suggestions!!!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sunday at the driving range

Today we decided to head out to the driving range and hit some balls.  BJ is an experienced golfer, but none of us girls have ever been.  We picked up some golf clubs for everyone at a flea market during our St. Louis trip and just got a chance to try them out.
A quick lesson from dad!

Sam is our athletic one, so of course she caught on quickly and was hitting the balls out quite a distance!

Alex didn't get much distance with hers but hit the ball almost every time.

Love the Cards shirt on the golf course, Clara!

I didn't do so well at first but after some coaching from BJ I was able to hit them pretty well.

BJ can drive a golf ball a ridiculous distance!