Wednesday, May 19, 2010


It has finally come... THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!  It is hard to believe that Sam is going to be in 6th grade and Alex in 2nd.  The time passes so fast and it makes me more than a little bit sad.  I hate the thought of them growing up.  However, I DO LOVE SUMMER!  No more getting up early, no more constantly barking orders at them just so we can get out the door on time in the mornings, no more early bedtimes, no more laying out school clothes and no more HOMEWORK!  I think I may be happier about summer vacation than the kids are!  I plan on only doing about 8 hours a week in office time in an attempt to spend more time with the kids this summer.  However, Real Estate is very demanding in and out of the office so we will see how much free time I actually get!

I finally finished cleaning the new house last night... so glad that is over with!  Now we are just waiting on contractors to come to get a garage built and get some in-home repairs done and walls painted.  Then we can get the carpets cleaned and move in.  

Of coarse, in typical morning fashion, Clara was still in the bathroom when we walked out the door to leave!

1 comment:

  1. HEYYY that nooot true!! :D only on some rare days...
