Saturday, May 29, 2010

Clara's return to Germany

Well, we got up bright and early and were out of the house by 7:15 this morning to take Clara to the airport.  We found the gate where she had to check in and grabbed her luggage to carry it in and between carrying luggage and keeping track of the kids, I failed to grab my camera.  We got Clara all checked in and walked her as far back as we could before she had to go through security and we said our goodbyes.  It is so strange to think that we may never see her again.  She had really become part of the family.  The girls did very well at the airport but both cried for a while after we got back to the car.  Alex has mentioned about 3 times since, that she misses Clara.  When we got home, we immediately went down to check on the horses and Alex said that she wishes Clara would walk down from the house.  I think Alex got especially close to her and will have a hard time accepting that she is gone.  I think it was a good experience for the girls but I feel really bad that Alex is hurting over Clara leaving. 

After we left the airport, we took the girls to the science center and out to eat to celebrate Sam making the "A Honor Roll" all year.  They had a good time with all of the hands on experiments and Sam was rewarded for her good grades with a 100 dollar bill.

We attempted to build a replica of the St. Louis arch but were unsuccessful!

The girls built a skyscraper.

I think it is pretty safe to say that neither Sam nor Alex has a future as a heavy machine operator!

We are very proud of Sam for all of her hard work in school!  Clara also got all A's all year!

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