Saturday, June 12, 2010

House Moved... now the garage!

We started at 8 a.m. this morning and we got the house completely moved by noon, I think that's pretty good!  Now BJ has to go move the garage stuff.  The garage was supposed to be done by today but with all of the rain, the contractor was unable to put the gravel down on the wet dirt so hopefully with a roof over it and a few hot days he will be able to lay the gravel by Wednesday!  I spent the day unpacking and I only have a few boxes left and still have to hang pictures.  Knowing how obsessive compulsive I am, it will be done by Sunday!

This is what the garage looked like at 8 a.m. this morning.  I will post a picture of the completed project later.

I think my neighbor has put in just as many hours building the garage as the contractors!

1 comment:

  1. haha the nice neighbour :) (clara). its so huge! cool!
